

Let’s face it – virtually nobody actually likes studying. We would rather do literally anything else. That’s why the time just before exams is when our rooms or houses have never looked tidier. Procrastination takes over, and we find multiple other things to fill our...
Mindfulness during exam time

Mindfulness during exam time

Mindfulness has become a bit of a buzzword in recent years. It often conjures up a picture of someone sitting still, legs crossed, deep in meditation. However, there is much more to mindfulness than that, and mindfulness can be included in our lives in many ways. The...
Helping yourself during exams

Helping yourself during exams

Exam season can take up a lot of our time, energy and brain space, and can leave us feeling drained and like the rest of your lives are either on hold or falling apart. For the most part, that’s ok, because exam season is a short period of time and once it’s over we...